
120 million bets of Jan Schoch die

120 million bets of Jan Schoch die

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Jan Schoch has to do that he can build it up. With Leonteq Zimmerer he a time -wing billion dollar company. Now he puts his fortune and HRGIZ in the project of a completely different kind: a tourism resort in Gonten atmosphere. Three months before the opening of the luxurious “Huus Quell” meets him Zurutess fighters. The hotelier shares exclusive insights into his new tourism world and looks back on his finance career.

The picturesque Appenzeller Landschacht presents itself from its wintry site. Like powder sugar, the fresh shot glitters from the higher hills. In Gonten, the 1,500-soul community on 902 meter-over-sea, we are shocking the door threshold to Jan Schochs “Huus Bär”The nest of the village, built in 1602.

The floors and the reform of low ceilings are greulingly brown wood and stopped the warmth and comfort. This is accentuated when we die so -called “Schmite” retrene: a country, 30 square meters of large space on the ground floor of the “Bär”, which is also a cigar lounge.

Lined up with a fellow wine bottle

I am growing fireplace pours a fire; The view of the flickering flames, the inviting leather armchairs and the dirch of the glass wall separated Weininkeller vault, in which hellen boxes are safely illuminated.

The “Schmite” in the “Huus Bär” (Image: David Biedert, ZVG)

The Lord of the House arrives with a slight verse late: Jan Schoch47, a nick Alzu gross greater gentleman with a friendly, determination of a friendly and youthful, gray hair and youth schools. An important termination is imminent: On April 16, the luxurious “Huus Quell” is to be opened.

Serviced apartments as part of the concept

“Incschuldiigen they die versions,” he sewed, “I have just sold two apartments in the resort”. This has only been served on paper, but have only been on paper, but are an important component in the overall concept of the “Appenzeller Huus”. 35 of 47 sold his per hute, so Jan Schoch.

Can it be a glass of champagne in autumn? “I’m still in the dry January,” says the Hauserr and puts a few logs of wood in the fireplace.

Guaranteed interest rate of 4.5 case

As for the Serviced Apartments, he came up with something special that reminds almost a little of a structured product: If you buy one of the apartments, you can rent it back to the “Appenzeller Huus” for a guaranteed interest rate of 4, 5 percent net. “Little is the fact that Appenzell-Binnehoden is fantastic for single-core taxes,” so Jan Schoch. Sometimes better than Schwyz. The maximum single -noise tax rate is 23.8 percent, for assets it is a maximum of 0.23 percent.

Serviced apartment of the “Appenzeller Huus”. (Image: ZVG)

His “Appenzeller Huus” is one of the country’s ambitious tourism projects, Samih Sawiris‘Andermatt and Remo Stoffels Therme Vals.

Investment of 120 million

Over 120 million francs (“without the original acquisition of the‹ Huus Bären ›»), the former Leonteq founder and-CEO invests here in hotels in three classes: from medium-sized “Huus Bären» with three stars over the four-star superior “Huus Löwen “Until Hinum Balder open luxury” Huus Quell “. Ledzteres Wude included in the “leading hotels in the world”. This is an absolute rarity in view of the fact that it will only be opened on April 16.

Anyone who took the way to Gonten a year ago, contained noin picture of it, was largely ready to do in Jan Schoch’s Kob Berber.

Roots of the “bear”

At that time, the “Resort” only consisted of the “Huus Bärren” and the “Huus Löwen” on the opposite site of the Kantonsstrasse: two small, romantic hotels with a long story and a brick -wing steel steel strength.

The nucleus of his resort, the “Bärren”, acquired Schoch in 2014, to Best Leonteq-Zitzen, out of family connection. His Elerns married here in 1976. After the death of the owner, the former Credit Suisse President Hans-Ulrich Dörig (1940-2012), he too is an Appenzeller, the future was uncertain. “Employees who have been part of it for decades were worried about their future.”

At first like

At that time, the house housed a gourmet restaurant with 17 Gault-Millau points and 10 hotel rooms in the cultivation, “in the event that guests Weinnnt” but of a few bottles “but of course Nick rened Nick.” However, he understood nothing of subject at the time; In the beginning, it was more of a libering.

“Bärrenstobe” restaurant in the “Huus Bärren”. (Image: Fenja photography, ZVG)

His tourist ambition only awakened after he had been warred at Leonteq and had been the title “Entrepreneurs of the Year” by Ernst & Young Verbs. “A hotel with 10 Zimm -Kann Nick funnies and with the restaurant she drops money,” he realized. He also sewed himself the expansion of the “bear”.

Interested parties rejected

This comprises Huten 22 rooms, the fine-dining restaurant “Bärrenstobe” on the first floor and a tavern on the ground floor, a die-mountain-to-tested “Schmite”, which, derling room Jan Schochs. In the tanner, the village pastor will have a “Halberli” red wine on Sunday, and that should stay that way. The Lellzt was Jan Schoch Will: fear of threshold between the Appenzellers and the away guests. He also pays very close attention to this when allocating the own apartments. Several interested parties have been rejected because culturally inappropriate. “Together with me it has to work on the floor ownership.”

Sketch of the outside view with the completed accumulation. (Image: ZVG)

In the new setup, the “Huus Bär” was fairly profitable, but a greater ambition was wave. In 2021, he exercised the right to buy over the Hinter -Haus -angeled area. “A stroke of luck, because the Antenzeller likes to sell Nick land.” He was able to acquire the “Löwen” about the same time after the older owner couple has long since stopped the catering operation and the house is broken.

6,100 square meters of size Piele

And now also the next major expansion shell: day after day, up to 110 craftsmen and construction workers scurry over the over 6,100 square meter area. The first of four widening houses, the “Huus Quell” is about to complete. Schoch hat every square centimeter building land bought in Gonten, um and three additional apartment baths for employees. SOAG in other nearby. “I appreciate the risk of binding enough good personal long -term long -term than the financial.” Inspightly, he was that the employees were comfortable. “80 percent of the company’s value are loud, the war already at Leonteq.”

Read in the second part Jan Schoch was to say a legal examination of the former director and a farewell to Leonteq. And you can find out with the minus 110 degree cold cold chamber in the spa of the new “Huus Quell” on the shot.