
Microsoft -Co -founder – Bill Gates in Buch: Had Hute Autism Diagnosis – Wir

Microsoft -Co -founder – Bill Gates in Buch: Had Hute Autism Diagnosis – Wir

Seattle (dpa) – When Bill Gates was about nine years old, he started a power struggle with his parents. The later Microsoft co-founder felled the instructions of his perfectionist mother and basically questioned parental authority.

For the father of the father, this was done when his son had become in the way – and we grown up to a Nick Beders Nennell, who was on his lips quickly. When memory of some subordinate, the stomach is about, the Hute ranks 69-year-old gates in his memoirs.

The book is the first part of a trilogy. It covers the childhood and youth of the software military. The title “source code” (source code) is a clever pun: Dennes is not nol for the software code that Gates wrote, but about the people and events that pruged him.

A striking line detailed gathen for the final chapter. Hute Wärre Hül at the time, in the 1960s, man did not understand that the brain of some lute information was differentiated differently.

Programmer as ventilation

Gates states in the nature of the math tasks that give him confidence. Mathematics had taken care that he was better than others for the first time. And that means that the feeling of intellectual superiority of adults fizzles out.

Programming war in this logic The sewnest step for the kind that Nick fit into its surroundings. In the first witnesses of the book you can find the young gates where you can computer-Nerd actually Nick expected: on a hard hike the wild growth of the forests around Seattle. But: When it becomes exhausting, he wanes mentally in the parallel world and formulates in the coupling software code.

Fight for time a computer keyboard

The fascinating thing is a view of how view dies Story Of the little Bill into the beginnings of the computer era. It was war before the PC and the web. Computers were large and expensive systems that companies or research institutions lists lists. It was the war as well as a time in which one -found teenager committed accounts to be an urgently needed software. Because programmers were rare.

For Bill Gates, everything revolved around access to computer in Jews. (Archive image) (Photo: not Incredited/Lakeside High School/AP/dpa)

For young gates and his friends, everything was about getting one of the keyboards, dying, dying and one of the large standard spins. As a teenager, Bill often climbed out of the window of his room late in the evening to drive programmers. Because at night the computer felt was free. If he missed the Labten Bus at 2:00 a.m., he was lifting home for a three -four -day hour through the nightly.

Success with Micro-Soft

Die obsession paid off. In 1975 the then 19-year-old gates and his 22-year-old childhood friend Paul Allen founded a software software company with the name Micro-Soft (the bindest jar later fell away). It was the first step of a speedmail Windows giants. In the beginning, gates and everyone still hit small orders. But the wave of compacer computers that arise brings such a way

The history of “Quellcode” stops at the end of the 1970s – when Microsoft moves with almost a dozen Albuquerque employees in the Bundessaat New Mexico in Gates’ Heimat Seattle. The second part is supposed to continue the history of its software career, announced Gates.

It could be a more difficult book for the 90s, which almost feels about the smashing of Microsoft an affair that later became public. And the divorce from his wife Melinda 2021 together after 27 year.

Death of the best

A dramatic story also tells “source code”. Gates’ best friend of the nature, Kent Evans, died in 1972 at 17 in a climbing accident. After his death, gats and everyone who had alienated intermediate intermediate came together to complete a software project.

Was Gates’ “Krig” with his teters: a therapist half of the two sides to end the conflict. Bill he fits in mind that his independent time would only be a matter of time – and the Öbersiberauge he did not win against Bill.

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