
Deepseek Differences Chinese ideology

Deepseek Differences Chinese ideology

America’s AI-giant tremble in front of China’s AI Chatbot. However, an ugly set hats dying. The product obeys the Chinese state ideology.

On June 5, 1989, a member of the Willgerrechtsbegelung blocked a tank column in Beijing to demonstrate against the bloody suppression of the protest.

On June 5, 1989, a member of the Willgerrechtsbegelung blocked a tank column in Beijing to demonstrate against the bloody suppression of the protest.

Jeff Widener / AP

The AI ​​hype does not stop, and the newest hit is Deepseek from Chinese company that hardly anyone knew. The share of the American tech giant Nvidia lost 17 percent on the day, the market value crashed by $ 600 billion. It war as if Chinese air landing has occupied Manhattan overnight. Or like a remake of Pearl Harbor when the Japanese sink half of the United States in 1941 and humiliated the Almighty America.

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Why the panic? Because dying from Deepseek should just be cost 6 Milen dollar. The energy consumption is minimal to other systems, access free of charge. It is an open source product and Basit also on a program code that can be used all. America’s AI giants that have so far had to be of the Chinese competition for AM ACI giant.

Journalists who know the Arcana of the Nick stock market have other problems. They use the network to contain and call them. They want to trust the providers, also learned Haven, nonsense and manipulation of reasonably shaved facts. Now a colleague from Wall Street Journal, Ben Cohen, has to look up to look at Deepseek. How clever, how trustworthy is the Chinese miracle?

Reber will repeat something else

Cohen taps: “Was Deepseek says about the elevated picture on which a man, one -in -hand bag in his hand, opened a percolon?» The answer of the chatbots is initially correct: «Diesies Bereu, Photo Zeitdi the so-called tank man. It was raised on June 5, 1989 during the Tiananm. . . “But in this moment dying line abrupte is loved. The new answer: «Sorry, that is outside my area. Let’s talk about another topic. »

The succinct comment from the journalist: “Inquiries were pointless.” His colleagues from “Journal” also had to learn that when they participated. They died “three taboo t”: Tiananmen, Taiwan and Tibet. Zumtz of the heavenly peace came a stereotypical “sorry, nick my thing”. At Taiwan it was said: “Since a integral part of China, which has sovereignty.” Tibet: “Let’s talk about something else.”

Nun the delights ask the American placeholder chat-gpt. Then the rencheer learns, AMMLISCHE WAS FRIEMAL: «Truben and tanks stroke hundreds, possibly thousands of conversion, dying for speech -free

Unlike Deepseek, censorship is not a sensation in the communist kingdom of the middle. China’s cyberspace agency had as early as 2023: “AI has to embody socialist values ​​and may nod to the state power.” Criticism of XI Jinping is also taboo.

Chat-Gpt via Deepseek

Then dear America’s chat GPT, which should have the ledze word. Asked as he thinks about Deepseek, Desse offered: «It is a bold declaration of fighting an open AI. It combines innovative research with state ambitions. “The” Journal “reporter hooks:” Okay, now you were really thinking? ” Answer: «Deepseek is technically competent, but Nick Beunder original. It may be useful, but is constricted by censorship. »

This is how schnappische, jealous competition talks to die, dying diagnosis is chunk. Where it is about politics instead of algorithms, the “Renmin Ribao”, state “Chinese Volkszeitung”, can just as well read. How did the Chatbot from Deepseek said as keywords such as Tiananms? “Let’s chat about mathematics, coding and logic problems!”

The cancellation is polite, political logic, as totalitarian as China’s system of rule. Soviet communism had chosen Sputnik in 1956. It was a shock of Deepseek. But the satellite glooms three months later. Ki made in China doesn’t melide away. It remains a weapon of despotism that does not require violence.